
The Elf on the Shelf (棚の上のエルフ) 、 Day 23 Charlie version チャーリー版 2013

チャーリーもKenも、しっかりバラの花とクリスマス・プレゼントを自分のデート相手に準備していたなんて、流石! 素晴らしいですね。 しかも、プレゼント大きいし...

Only 2 more days left for Charlie to stay until he goes back to the North Pole until Christmas time next year.  Last night Charlie and his friends went on a double date.
The ladies look fabulous in formal dresses. The guys look very sharp in their Tuxedos.
They must have gone to a some kind of big party or a very fancy restaurant.
I have to give Charlie and Ken a big round of applause for bringing their dates a Christmas present and a rose (roses).

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