
Thanks, 2012! Hello, 2013! Happy New Year to everyone!

2012年を振り返る今日、人に優しく親切に出来たかなぁ?感謝の気持ちを忘れずに人付き合い出来たかなぁ?   ママとして息子達に愛情十分注げたかなぁ? 子供達に絶好の環境を与えられたかなぁ?...いろいろな思いが頭の中を駆け巡る、そんな大晦日を迎えています。

The year of 2012 had passed by so fast right in front of my eyes.
On this New years Eve,  I am looking back the whole year by thinking. . . .
"Have I've been kind to people?  Have I've been appreciative?   Have I  been doing my very best in everything I did?  Have I been showing my sons how much I love them?  Have my husband and I been able to provide the best environment for our sons?". . .
All kinds of thoughts storm through my mind.

一番肝心なことは、家族皆が健康で幸せであること。 家族揃って年末年始を一緒に過ごせることは、とっても幸せなことなんだと実感する側ら、故郷,日本の家族が恋しくもなります。
2012年が私達にとって良い年であったことに、先ずは乾パーイ! そして、2013年がもっともっと素晴らしい事で満たされ、エクサイティングな年になりますようにを祈って、乾パーイ!

What matters the most is that everyone is healthy and happy and spending this holiday seasons together as a family.  As I remember how fortunate I am to be able to share so many great moments with my husband and sons, I realized how much I miss my family in Japan. 
Cheers to how wonderful the year of 2012 had been!
Cheers to the exciting year of 2013 with even better things coming to our way!

Thanks, 2012! 
Hello, 2013!  
Happy New Year to everyone!

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