
ナップタイムスーリー”Dragon Witch” by my Mr. G


ノリノリで、空を飛ぶ振りをするG君、魔女の行動を説明するナレーションを自分で入れながら、家中を走り回っています。 なぜか時々、スポーツ中継(先週のLA Clippers と LA Lakers対戦ゲームのスポーツキャストみたいです。Griffin とか、Chris Paulとか、Kobe Bryantとか口ずさんでいます。 )に転換したりして、聞いている方もついて行くのが大変。
 そんなこんなで走りっぱなしのG君、息も切れはじめ、ナレーションもたどたどしくになってきました。 遂に疲れたらしく、” 疲れた~。魔女も休まないと”、な~んて言ってきました。


A Nap Time Story "A Dragon Witch" by Mr. G
Once upon a time, there was a Dragon Witch.
She has a funny pointy nose.

She goes swish swish swish, flying very, very, very fast in the sky.
She has a magic wand.  she can zap monsters and green lizards with the magic wand.
Dragon Witch zapped a big, huge, giant, humongous, mean monster.
She is all done working and she flew away.
She had a sandwich and lemonade for lunch, and No desserts.
She went to the playground and play with friends.
Friends gave her a banana and raisins. . . "Oshimai" (The End).

Gavin claims that "Dragon Witch" is a witch who has many dragons as her pets.(G君曰く、Dragon Witchとは、沢山の龍をペットとして飼っている魔女だそうです。)
”こんな言葉も知ってたの?!”...彼の口から飛び出す沢山の言葉たち、耳にするのは初めてのものが多い。 それも、即席小話が、ちゃんとした文章になってる!  ひょっとしたら、ママより上手なんじゃない?って思う程。 正に、”とんびが鷹を産む”ってこの事でしょうか? それともタダの親ばか? 来月、3歳になるG君、バースデープレゼントは、Iron Manの人形の他に、ホウキが欲しいらしい。

The microphone I made for my sons with empty yogurt container and the center of a roll of paper towel is now used as a witch's broom today.  My son(almost 3 years old ) is running around the house with this "witch's broom" between his legs.

He is also giving the narration on what the witch is doing.  His narration switches to a sportscasting on LA Clippers vs LA Lakers game from last week (I heard him saying Griffin, Chris Paul, and Kobe Bryant)every now and then for whatever the reasons.  It's very interesting to my ears through I have to switch my mode between the witch story and the NBA basketball game.

He kept going like this for a quite while until he finally ran out of his breath.  He said, "I'm tired.  The witch needs a rest".  I told him that I'd read him a story as his nap time is soon to come.
Instead of his usual "OK", he insisted he'd rather tell me a story.  Hmmm, interesting. . . we laid on the bed side by side for the nap time story by Mr. G. 
All different new words poured out of his little mouth and I was astonished how many words have been stored his brain until now.  I can't believe how well he is speaking and constructing sentences that really making sense.  He could be a better story teller than I am. 
Is it a case of "A Black kite giving a birth to a Hawk"(Japanese proverb of a child much more likely to be successful and his/her ordinary mother)?  Or, maybe I am being one of those moms thinks a little too highly of their own child.

Mr. G. is turning 3 next month and he is already requesting a Iron Man figuring, and guess what else?!. . .  A broom.

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