
Grapples (グラッププル)?

”Sue”, the school bus driver is such a great tipster!

During our small talk this morning, she told me about the apple called "Grapple".
My initial reaction was "What a heck is that?".  She went on and explained that they are Washington Fuji Apple taste like grapes...Yep, you read it right,  "Grapes!".

My reaction after getting them at the grocery store and eating them was "So good in a weird way", maybe "So weird in a good way".  Get them, try them, and let me know what you think.


今朝も登校時のちょっとしたおしゃべりで、今まで聴いたこともない、グラッププルという林檎の話を始めました。 「何だそれ~?!」...という私の反応に、Sueさんは「見た目はワシントン州育ちのフジ林檎だけど、味は葡萄味なのよ。」と説明してくれました。

実際にスパーで買って、食べた後の感想は...「妙に美味しい」、いややっぱり、「いい意味で、妙な味」かな? いや、どっちだろ~。 皆さんも食べてみて、どう思われたか教えてください。

雹で冬化粧...Winter Wondeland

小学校のバスの運転手Sueさんと、いつものおしゃべりを楽しんでいると、生徒を今朝ピックアップしたロビンソンランチで、雪を見たとSueが一言。 早速、4マイル運転して雪のような雹と言ったらいいのかな、そんな感じに冬化粧された集落を見つけ、冬のワンダーランドを満喫してきました。

Pretty weird weather last night with thunder and lightning...
I noticed a few cars drove by us dropping off the kids at school were covered with the snow. During my usual chat with the school bus driver, Sue, I was informed the ground was covered with the snow in Robinson Ranch. So, my youngest son and I got in a car and drove for 4 miles to see the snow. We found the neighborhood covered with hail like snow and enjoyed the winter wonderland this morning.





このままでは、夫婦の仲に隙間が?...と思い、今夜は子供達をグランパとグランマ宅で見てもらい、主人と2人だけでお出かけです。 カクテル/アペタイザー、メインディッシュ、デザートとそれぞれ場所を変えてのデート。 2人だけのデートは久々なので、この機会を出来るだけ満喫しよう と生まれたアイディア。

先ずは、Seal Beach の ”320 Main”で、カクテルHour!

 Bridget 75 (Beefeater Gin, Laird’s Bonded Apple Brandy, Fresh Lemon, St. Hilaire Blanquette de Limoux Sparkling Wine)を注文。
オー ナーが、ドリンクメニューの一つ一つにこだわりを持ち、ブログでカクテルの謂れまでも説明してくれているだけあって、さずがに美味しい!   カクテルのグラスは少々小さめだけど、味は最高。アルコールの量はしっかり。 質の良さも、一口飲んですぐ分かります。 お陰さまで、1 ドリンクだけでふらっとするほどの酔いがまわっております。

 次のロケーションに向かい、PCH沿いを南に下っていると、衝突事故で道が完全閉鎖されています。救急車4台、消防車2台も登場。 この周辺で育った主人の裏道情報のお陰で、無事Sunset Beach、脱出に成功。

遂に、デートのメインコースのレストランに到着です。 Fountain Valley の鶴橋で、焼肉です。
ゆっくり主人と話をしながら食事が出来ると、楽しみにしていましたが...あまりの美味しさに、”美味しいね~” とか、”柔らかいね~” とか食材に関する会話しかしてなかったような...

次は、デザートのロケーションに向けて移動です。 楽しみ~。


Very much into super hero...

今日も、"アヒルさんのいる公園にお散歩に行こうか~" と言うと、いつもの様に変身!

My youngest, Mr. G is very much into super hero lately.  He wants to put on his mask and a hand made T-shirt cape wherever we go.
Today was no exception. He changed into his super hero gear as I said, "Let's go for a walk at the park where duckies are".

As he fought with invisible enemies with his tree branch sword (his mommy can't see them as she only has an ordinary set of human eyes), he was telling the ducks, "You are safe as I came to rescue you all".
Very much into his own little world. . .


お兄ちゃんが読んでくれた内容が少し頭の隅に残っていたようです。後は、絵を見ながら独自に物語を作っている様子。 He couldn't get himself out of "Super Hero" mode even when we got home.  He jumped on the couch with "Superman" book and started reading it (not really... he just remembers the story from the other day when his older brother read it for him.  For the rest, he just making up the story as he looks at the pictures.


My cute little "Rock Star"

My 2 year old (turning 3 next month) took my hand,
and led me to the bathroom today.
He had a toy microphone with a stand and a guitar waiting. 
He said, "I do concert for you, Mama". 

He asked me to take a seat on the toilet seat,
and started off by saying , "Ladies & Gentlemen,
I am singing Twinkle twinkle little star for ya!".

After he was done, he even asked me to pay him for the concert.
He said, "3 silver coins, please!".
I let him pick them out of my wallet. 
He was pushing dimes to the side and picking Quarters
as he was saying, "Like George Washington, more money than Franklin Roosevelt". 
A smart little man!!  I guess he's been paying much more attention to my conversation
with his brothers when we were doing their homework.

A very short concert, but it was very private and enjoyable on top of costing me only 75 cents.




スマート リトル マン! お兄ちゃん達の宿題の時の私の会話に、

それも、料金たったの75セント! とっても楽しいコンサートでした。

I had to ask him to sing it again just to video tape it.
So he did, but didn't ask me for 3 more coins.
A very generous little man!
Twinkle twinkle little star.  How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle little star.  How I wonder what you are.


Kale Chips (ケール チップス)

I found a new kind of Kale called "Lacinato Kale" at the market today. I am sure it's always been there and I just didn't realize that it was Kale. Along with the usual Red Kale, I used Lacinato Kale to make Kale Chips.
Kale chips has been getting a buzz as a healthy, low calorie snack again last few years.
They are loaded with vitamin A,and tasty while kids doesn't know they are vegetable.

To this day, they think they are eating "Roasted Korean Seaweed". I'm on my way to a mommy friend of mine who's been sick for the last few days. She will be stoked to see me bringing these chips she's totally in love with lately.

スパーマーケットで"ラシナト"という今まで見たこともない種類のケールを発見! 多分前からあったけど、自分が気づいてなかっただけだと思うけど...。いつものレッドケールと一緒にこのラシナトケールを使って、ケールチップスを作り ました。

ここ2~3年、再び人気の出てきたケールチップス。ビタミンAが豊富である上、美味しい! 息子達は、野菜であることでさえ気づかずにパクパク美味しそうに食べてくれます。

今でも韓国海苔だと思って食べています。 今から、このケールチップスを、風邪でここ2~3日寝込んでいるママ友の所に、ドロップオフしに行ってきます。 最近、彼女はこのケールチップスに凝っているとの事。きっと、大喜びしてくれるはず。
**@#%*KaleLacinato Kale (on the left) & Red Kale (on the right)


 It's so easy to make.  Wash a bunch of Kale, dry them, remove the hard stems, tear them, and toss them in a large bowl with a table spoon of olive oil, sea salt to taste.  Then place them in a single layer on the cookie sheet with a parchment paper and bake them in 350 degree oven for 15 minutes.  You may want to check them in the oven frequently as they could be over baked with burnt taste.

クッキーシートにパーチメントペーパーを敷き、一層に並べて、177℃のオーブンで15分間焼きます。 ちょくちょくやけ具合をチェックしましょう。 焼き過ぎると、焦げた苦い味がついてしまいます。


Caterpillar in a tree


G:   「ママ、あそこに毛虫がいるよ!」
私:  「どこ?」 
G: 「 あの木の上でかくれんぼしてるよ。」
私:  「え~、どこ?」 
G:   「あそこだよ、ママ。   だけど、隠れるのあんまり上手じゃないね。 アンテナが突き出てるの見えて るよ。」
私: 「あ~、ホントだね~。」

On our way back home from school after dropping off my older boys, my little G's little feet suddenly stopped and his tiny little finger is pointing right up in the sky. 

G:    "Mama, there is a caterpillar up there!". 
Me: "Where?"  
G:    " He is playing hide and seek in the tree."
Me:  "Where. . .?"  
My eyes go up & down, left & right to look for a real caterpillar thinking it's "finding needle in a haystack".

G:    "There, Mama! He is not good at hiding.  I can see his antennas sticking out."
Me:  "Oh yeah. . . !  You are right."


Orange ballon ride at Great Park

勇気を振り絞って、Take Off!

確か年間4~5日しか閉園しないGreat Park, 入場/駐車料金が無料どころか、
Balloon Ride も無料なんですよ。


フットボールを楽しむ末っ子。Green Bay Packersだそうです。

遠くに、マウントウィット二ー(Mt. Whitney)が見えます。

ガールフレンド見っけ! 楽しそうな会話が弾んでいます。


ナップタイムスーリー”Dragon Witch” by my Mr. G


ノリノリで、空を飛ぶ振りをするG君、魔女の行動を説明するナレーションを自分で入れながら、家中を走り回っています。 なぜか時々、スポーツ中継(先週のLA Clippers と LA Lakers対戦ゲームのスポーツキャストみたいです。Griffin とか、Chris Paulとか、Kobe Bryantとか口ずさんでいます。 )に転換したりして、聞いている方もついて行くのが大変。
 そんなこんなで走りっぱなしのG君、息も切れはじめ、ナレーションもたどたどしくになってきました。 遂に疲れたらしく、” 疲れた~。魔女も休まないと”、な~んて言ってきました。


A Nap Time Story "A Dragon Witch" by Mr. G
Once upon a time, there was a Dragon Witch.
She has a funny pointy nose.

She goes swish swish swish, flying very, very, very fast in the sky.
She has a magic wand.  she can zap monsters and green lizards with the magic wand.
Dragon Witch zapped a big, huge, giant, humongous, mean monster.
She is all done working and she flew away.
She had a sandwich and lemonade for lunch, and No desserts.
She went to the playground and play with friends.
Friends gave her a banana and raisins. . . "Oshimai" (The End).

Gavin claims that "Dragon Witch" is a witch who has many dragons as her pets.(G君曰く、Dragon Witchとは、沢山の龍をペットとして飼っている魔女だそうです。)
”こんな言葉も知ってたの?!”...彼の口から飛び出す沢山の言葉たち、耳にするのは初めてのものが多い。 それも、即席小話が、ちゃんとした文章になってる!  ひょっとしたら、ママより上手なんじゃない?って思う程。 正に、”とんびが鷹を産む”ってこの事でしょうか? それともタダの親ばか? 来月、3歳になるG君、バースデープレゼントは、Iron Manの人形の他に、ホウキが欲しいらしい。

The microphone I made for my sons with empty yogurt container and the center of a roll of paper towel is now used as a witch's broom today.  My son(almost 3 years old ) is running around the house with this "witch's broom" between his legs.

He is also giving the narration on what the witch is doing.  His narration switches to a sportscasting on LA Clippers vs LA Lakers game from last week (I heard him saying Griffin, Chris Paul, and Kobe Bryant)every now and then for whatever the reasons.  It's very interesting to my ears through I have to switch my mode between the witch story and the NBA basketball game.

He kept going like this for a quite while until he finally ran out of his breath.  He said, "I'm tired.  The witch needs a rest".  I told him that I'd read him a story as his nap time is soon to come.
Instead of his usual "OK", he insisted he'd rather tell me a story.  Hmmm, interesting. . . we laid on the bed side by side for the nap time story by Mr. G. 
All different new words poured out of his little mouth and I was astonished how many words have been stored his brain until now.  I can't believe how well he is speaking and constructing sentences that really making sense.  He could be a better story teller than I am. 
Is it a case of "A Black kite giving a birth to a Hawk"(Japanese proverb of a child much more likely to be successful and his/her ordinary mother)?  Or, maybe I am being one of those moms thinks a little too highly of their own child.

Mr. G. is turning 3 next month and he is already requesting a Iron Man figuring, and guess what else?!. . .  A broom.